Wednesday 29 June 2011

Day 24 Summary

8:15am - Ran out of eggs! Bacon, sausages, almonds, macadamies and cherries. Black tea with honey.

11:00am - A pear.

1:00pm - Lunchtime workout. Run 500m and stretch to warm up. 1 set of pull ups to failure - 7. 1 set of full dips to failure - 7. Trail run up the hill near work (it's about a mile with a fairly consistent upwards gradient). 1 min rest at the top. Jog down the hill and then a last short and steep tarmac hill sprint to finish.

2:00pm - Burger and salad same as yesterday.

4:00pm - Almonds, macadamias and an orange.

7:00pm - A nectarine, some cherries and a paleo brownie. Black tea with honey.

9:00pm - Two sausages and a paleo brownie. Black tea with honey.

Water for the rest of the day.

Odd eating pattern today due to being out and about doing stuff.

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