Monday 6 June 2011

Day 1 - It Begins

I'll add photos when I get a chance later. The morning started with a black tea sweetened with half a spoon of honey. I can't drink it without something to take the bitter edge off it but I do love my tea. This may be one of the hardest things to adapt to!

As this was cooling on the side I did 30 sec tuck hold on my bar in 2 sets, 23 sec and 7 secs. A 30 sec L sit is my current goal so I am using a little and often approach to try to improve it. At the moment my time has only gone up slightly but my tuck is much tighter/higher so I am happy with the progress.

I also squeezed in 2x3 strict pullups. I do a set of these as the whim takes me so they are spread out. Again, it's little and often as pullups are a real weakness of mine.

Breakfast was grilled mackerel (don't judge me for making a mess of it!) and 2 scrambled duck eggs. I finished it off with a banana and then the short walk to work.

There weren't quite as many fish bones in there as I thought there might be.
I'm currently drinking water at my desk and updating the blog when I should be working :D

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