Saturday 18 June 2011

Day 12 and 13 Summary

Day 12

8:00am - All meat sausages and scrambled eggs. Black tea and honey.

10:30am - Orange.

12:00am - Cajun chicken salad with lettuce, red pepper and tomato. Dressed with olive oil and balsamic dressing.

3:00pm - Loads of almonds, macadamias, coconut, linseed, dried fruit, almond butter and honey. Don't know what got into me but I was so hungry!

5:00pm - Orange

8:00pm - Went to the pub straight from work and didn't have any food with me! Mixed salted nuts (inlcuded peanuts) and one small slice of ham pizza. I am weak!

10:00pm - Sausages, scrambled eggs, lettuce and tomato with some Biona dijon mustard. Used up some leftovers.

Day 13

9:00am - Salmon fillet with scrambled eggs and basil. Black tea and honey.

11:00am - Two plums.

2:00pm - Some bacon, a banana and some almonds, macadamias and dried fruit. I had about 5 minutes to prepare something :)

3:15pm - Spent a couple of hours power kiting. Probably counts as gentle exercise :)

8:00pm - Rump steak, cabbage and broad beans (the beans should be a no no but helpfully abel and cole sent them to me this week haha! Luckily there isn't that many). Black tea and honey.

The promised fitday update will come tomorrow now instead, sorry!

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