Tuesday 7 June 2011

Day 2 Summary

8:15am - Black tea with honey. Mackerel, scrambled duck eggs and carrots. This was very filling!

12:30pm - Salad with chicken, lettuce, red onion, cucumber, tomato and that Thai Dressing I was showing off in a previous post. The dressing does have a little salt in it but I avoided the sweetcorn this time!

3:30pm - Made another small pot of my almond, macadamia, dried fruit, coconut and linseeds. Added the half tsp honey and 1 tsp almond butter. A little more fruit this time and a little less nuts made the balance between sweet and creamy much better.

6:00pm - An orange and a handful of mixed almonds/macadamias. Was hungry and wanted something pre workout.

7:00pm - Half a slice of Ami's AMAZING paleo banana loaf. Absolutely delicious and totally indistinguishable from the non paleo version.

A quick note on the skills class. Its a much more freeform, easy going class. The goal is to improve any areas we want to focus on. For me I want to achieve a 30s L-sit so gymnastics moves and hollow body training were the order of the day.

Skills class - 1 mile run (this week's challenge) in 6.27. Delighted with this as running is not my forte but damn if Nero's 5:45 wasn't impressive as I watched him disappear into the distance.
Parrallette tuck holds - Untimed first hold then 35s and 22s.
Parrallette push up to dip - 3x10 focussing on a smooth transition using the core.
A couple of skin the cats messing around with holds and extension. Managed a 5s flat back tuck lever so will use that as a bench mark going forward.
A final handstand against the wall. Managed 10s before Nero made me laugh and I had to get down :)

9:00pm - Another of Middle Farm's incredible pork chops seasoned with parsley (I still have one more left) with half a roasted (with coconut oil) squash and the rest of the cabbage, steamed.

Squash was new to me so I had to Google how to prepare it and I like the lazy person's version that I found. Cut the squash in half, scoop out the seeds and then roast skin side up for about 25-30 minutes (200C for me but time and temperature was guess work as that wasn't included). When done scoop out the flesh and enjoy. Apparently the tough skin makes them a bastard to peel and I really hate peeling so this was perfect for me and delicious.

Througout the day - Water
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