Tuesday 7 June 2011

Day 2 - Tale of the Tape

Short and sweet today as these posts are taking me ages. I finally got my stats done as I didn't have time on Saturday and Dave and Holly were busy doing WoDs on Monday. So, to go with my before photo these are the numbers.

Weight - 77.9kg (about 12st 4lb) which makes me lighter than I thought I was. I see this as me being more able to 'float like a butterfly'.

Body Fat - This was kind of funny. I'm 29 now but I'll be 30 in less than 2 months. Based on Dave's numbers and my current age I'm just over 9% body fat, which I would love to be true but really isn't. If we assume I'm 30 then I'm 13% body fat, which is way more like it. The idea of going up 4% body fat overnight is a bit frightening!

Waist - Who ate all the pies? Who ate all the pies!? Me apparently. 33 inch waist. The ring around my belly button is very much where all the body fat I do have likes to reside. I have also thickened out my obliques (the side abs?) since doing Crossfit. Thanks guys!

Hips - Squatters buns sees me sitting at 38.5 inches. Worryingly close to my chest (I think).

So there they are. I would really like to see the waist and BF% measurement go down thus revealing a glorious 6-pack. This is the thought that will keep me strong the next 28 days. I'll post up my diary and try to be a bit more informative tomorrow!

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