Monday 6 June 2011

The Rest of Day 1

First things first is a treat for the ladies and Barney. I took my before photo! Strictly speaking this is about 8 hours after starting the challenge but we're all friends here, right? We can let that slide. Make sure you're sitting down because here it is.

The official before photo that will soon be gracing pop up ads around the net!
This got me to thinking and a quick bit of MS Paint later got me this.

Running => Weights => Crossfit
So that's what 6 months of Crossfit has done for me, at least on the outside. I've already talked about the PBs previously so I won't bore you with the fact that I deadlifted 125kg again...

By the way I know I have tiny nipples but luckily I don't need them for anything. I don't know why I felt the need to defend them. You probably hadn't noticed for all the swooning.

Aaaanyway, the rest of my day involved me eating a chicken and avocado salad dressed with extra virgin olive oil and organic balsamic vinegar. I also snacked on a handful of mixed almonds and macedamias mid morning and a combination of almonds, macadamias, dried blueberries, dried mixed cherries, dried goji berries, desecated coconut, linseeds all bound together with half a tsp honey and one tsp almond butter. I tried to time this last snack about 2 hours before today's WoD class.

The next version will have less nuts and more vanilla!

I've finished the day off with a grilled pork chop seasoned with paprika and chilli and some carrots and cabbage.

DSLR took the left photo and then ran out of battery so phone took the right one. Or maybe the light and dark has a deeper meaning...(hint: it doesn't)
Remember we're not counting calories here so within reason, pile it on. I've just done a workout so plenty of veggies is a must!

Which brings me to a confession. I made a stupid mistake with lunch. I was very good about getting my salad with no coleslaw and no dressing so I could dress it myself. It never occurred to me until afterwards that there might be another evil lurking in there. That spoon full of sweetcorn the local deli chuck in! I mean, the clue's really in the name there. CORN! Well it's a learning experience and at least now I know. Sweet corn is a grain and not a veggie. Still it could have been worse.

But that's the point isn't it? Sure we want to do well and stick to it but it's about bettering our understanding of what we eat too, so the slip ups are ok so long as we learn from them. At least that how I'll use this experience.

A couple of Crossfitters had fruit juice with them today. It's easy to assume that the juice of a fruit is as good for you as the fruit itself. Unfortunately that's not the case. That link puts it better than I could but the most profound statement they make is,

'Fruit juice that has been robbed of its fiber and broad range of nutrients is basically just a concentrated source of sugar that lacks the supportive nutrients to help it digest and metabolize.'

And at least now we know. On to the next cock up!

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