Saturday 25 June 2011

Day 18 Summary

9:00am - Bacon and eggs. Black tea and honey.

11:00am - Paleo Brownie. Black tea and honey.

1:00pm - Thai red curry and rice.

3:00pm - Shared a non paleo chocolate brownie ice cream sundae!

6:00pm - Focus, push jerk. 35kg x 3, 40kg x 3, 45kg x 3, 50kg x 3, 55kg x 1. Found the technique for these bloody tough and wasn't dipping under the bar properly. Had to bail out twice :/
WoD - 21, 15, 9 SDHP x 20kg and burpees. 5:46.

8:00pm - Gluten free butchers burgers with a raw salsa of tomato, onion, parsley and lemon juice.

9:30pm - Black tea and honey.

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