Thursday 16 June 2011

Day 11 Summary

8:00am - 7 pull ups (this was a PB!) and a 27s tuck hold.

8:15am - Last of the previously made pork curry with carrots and broccoli. It's still odd having stuff like this for breakfast. Black tea with honey after.

10:30am - A nectarine.

12:00pm - Two home made burgers cold with a salad of lettuce, tomato and red pepper. Added some olive oil and paleo ketchup. An apple.

3:00pm - A banana.

4:30pm - Some mixed almonds, macadamias, coconut, linseeds, dried cherries, dried blueberries, dried goji berries, honey and almond butter. I love this stuff!

6:00pm - WoD 1 - 3 rounds of 5 x 1min push ups, row for calories, 4 mini hurdles out and back, 8kg medicine ball floor to overhead, 60kg deadlift. Total score per round of 95, 78, 72. Went full tilt on the first round and managed 37 push ups :)
WoD 2 - Wrecked myself practising the turkish get up with a 12kg bell. Oops! 10 mins AMRAP of 200m run and then 10x turkish getup (5 per side) with an 8kg bell. Managed 2 rounds and an extra run. Didn't realise there would be a second WoD and had blasted my arms with approx. 85 push ups so the turkish getups were very tough!

8:00pm - Chicken breast in Cajun spices served with a mountain of carrots and cauliflower.

9:30pm - Black coffee with honey. Wondered if it would taste OK and it did.

Throughout the day - Water

I was curious so I started playing around with Fitday today. Interesting results, which I will share in a proper post on Saturday.

Buh-bye for now!

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