Sunday 12 June 2011

Day 6 and 7 - I've Been Busy!

Hello again my regular readers (all three of you!)! I'm going to update you chronologically on the last couple of days.

Day 6 - A Trip to Thorpe Park

Nothing has been as tough as yesterday was for sticking to the diet. I knew that there would be nothing I could eat at the park so I stocked up on foods to take with me. A chicken and avocado salad dressed with thai dressing would serve as lunch but it was going to be a very long day out so I needed some extras to take. I decided that I would pre cook the gluten free sausages (I don't know if they are paleo or not but I do know that all Middle Farm sausages are minimum 75% meat) and take them as a snack. I also filled up a couple of bottles of water so that I had a litre with me.

The whole day was spent surrounded by signs with giant pictures of burgers, by people eating candy floss and constantly being tempted by the smell of freshly cooked donuts. It was hell! I had to watch my friends eat a KFC whilst I diligently ate my salad and banana. There was also a lot of boring queueing and I'm a sucker for snacking when I'm bored, which is when I ate the spare sausages.

Finally I ended up eating a corn on the cob in the evening which I bought by accident. Abel and Cole very kindly substituted my potatoes again this week for fresh corn! I hadn't realised that might happen but now I've got them I can't afford to waste them. There is a recession on after all :/

Still that was yesterday and today I'm back to 100%!

PS Total money spent at Thorpe Park - £0.00. I could easily have done £20 with my previous impulsive ways.

Day 7 - A Trip to Old Spot Farm Shop

Took an afternoon drive to another farm shop that's open on a Sunday. This time the Old Spot Farm Shop. It's about 30 minutes out of town in piltdown.

No duck eggs to be had so settled with chicken this week. Also picked up some diced lean pork shoulder for stir fry and a couple of lovely looking rump steaks. Everything they sell is local and additive free.

The best part was their sausage selection though. Now, excuse the innuendo, but I really do love a good sausage. Westdene Butchers had no gluten free sausages when I asked and the gluten free sausages from Middle Farm were average and may have had a non paleo rusk substitute for all I know.

Firstly I noticed that at least 4 of their sausage varieties were gluten free. They're also all in natural skins. No idea if my previous sausages were but it sounded good. When I asked the nice lady what was in their gluten free sausages her reply was meat, herbs and spices and nothing else. Perfect! I took 4 of their Sussex garlic and 4 of their Toulouse. Even better she said that, if I give them a couple of days notice before I go in, they'll make me any variety of sausage I like without the rusk. How's that for service!

Here's the haul.

I only discovered on getting home that the 'Sussex Garlic' obviously contain Brandy! What a delicious mistake-a to make ;P 
I also grabbed a bit more honey as my supply is just over half gone. That's about 120g honey in a week mostly used in my tea and occasional snacks. About 350 cals in total in case you're wondering but we're not calorie counting are we.

Day 7 - One Week Update

So the one man entrepreneurial machine that is PlanP/Caveman Snacks/Crossfit Connect/Barney has asked us all how we're doing on Day 7 of the challenge sponsored by PlanP. Here's my blogger's response.

Pretty damn good! Day 1 and 2 saw a brief dip in mid afternoon/evening energy but now I'm back on top! Do I feel better than before? Well, it's hard to say. I was already following a lot of the guidelines and I can say for sure that they made a huge difference. The changes now are more subtle as is the relative shift in my diet. I don't find myself flagging late evening like I used to even when I've had a hard day but conversely when I want to sleep, I can with no problem. I'm also a bit more alert first thing in the morning. Both big pluses.

Appearance wise I really can't tell but apparently I'm not good at noticing these changes. That previous running, weights, Crossfit comparison photo was as shocking to me as it was arousing for you loyal readers! When I mentioned it to a friend, she said that I had changed shape quite a lot in the last few months. I just had no idea. I think that makes me ill qualified to pass judgement after just a week. I hope for a similarly pleasant surprise at the end of challenge photo shoot but I'm not going to ruin that by taking early pics.

Well that's it for now. Nero has made Banana Pancakes and posted pics on Facebook. They look great so that's going to be my breakfast tomorrow. TTFN!

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