Tuesday 21 June 2011

Day 16 Summary

8:15am - Bacon and duck eggs. Black tea and honey.

10:30am - Handful of macadmias and almonds.

12:30pm - Some of the previously home made chilli (see Day 14 I think) with extra cabbage and brocolli. An apple.

3:30pm - Paleo brownie.

7:00pm - Skills class. Was tired going into this so didn't go crazy. Weekly challenge attempt - 8kg kettlebell in each hand held in a crucifix for time. 27s, which was lame! I have to try this again.
5x skin the cat at a controlled pace. Must make sure to keep straight arms and palms facing downwards.
Ring dips. 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 (the beginnings of a third maybe). A big improvement on last time.
Tuck holds for time. 43s, 33s, 27s. 43s is a PB so happy with the progress on these.

8:00pm - Pork chump chop in garlic and spices with carrots and courgette.

9:30pm - Paleo brownie with a black coffee and honey.

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