Saturday 25 June 2011

Day 20 Summary

9:00am - Sausages and eggs with paleo ketchup. Black tea and honey.

11:00am - Gymnastics class. Lots of different skills practised. My hand stands sucked as, for some reason, I just couldn't get up on against the wall, which is not usually a problem. In contrast I felt very strong on the rings and with my tuck holds, so that was nice.

1:00pm - Ate out and had zero paleo choices so had an all day breakfast. Bacon, eggs, sausages, mushrooms (these were probably ok) with black pudding, beans, toast and chips (these were not).

2:30pm - Still out with the family and had 2 coffees with milk and sugar and a millionaire's shortbread. A bit of a 'fuck this paleo shit' moment unfortunately. These are becoming more common as I get sick of being so limited in my choices when I'm out! It's really no excuse for my lack of willpower.

7:00pm - After all the excess earlier I didn't really want to eat. Honestly felt a bit sick and bloated. Figured I should though so I had a sausage, an orange and literally about 8 nuts.

10:00pm - Black tea and honey.

Today was an odd day. Lunch was a mess as far as the diet was concerned and it had a knock on effect for the rest of the day. I didn't feel good after indulging in all that wheat and sugar, which meant I didn't really want to eat in the evening.

It also seems to have made me really thirsty, which is odd.

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