Wednesday 29 June 2011

Day 23 Summary

8:15am - Scrambled eggs and peppered mackerel.

12:30pm - Home made beef burger with a salad of lettuce, red pepper, red onion and tomato. Added some olive oil and paleo ketchup. Some cherries.

3:30pm - Almonds, macadmias and a banana.

7:00pm - Skills class. 2 min handstand hold in sets of 30s. 3 handstand negatives. 20x leg raises with back against the wall. I can quite get these to 90 degrees so that's something to work on. Some double under practise, managed to string together 3. 2 min sit ups - 53 (for the challenge board). 5x skin the cat working on form. 30s upright hollow hold on the rings to finish.

9:00pm - Pork chop with cabbage and carrots. Some paleo brownie after.

Water throughout the day.

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