Thursday 9 June 2011

Day 4 Summary

8:30am - Black tea with honey. Onions, garlic and steak mince fried off (coconut oil) and then simmered with tomato puree, basil, parsley and black pepper. Chucked in courgettes and a few left over cherry tomatoes and mushrooms.

12:30pm - More of the mince medley above.

4:00pm - Generous handful of almond and macademias followed by a small amount of dried pineapple (nothing added). Actually the pineapple was very nice and given to me by my mum yesterday so I recommend the brand, Urban Fruit.

6:00pm - Focus, Push Press 5x35kg, 5x40kg, 3x45kg, 3x50kg, 1x55kg. I am a little disappointed by how hard I found this but I am scared about what happened to my wrists doing a 60kg PB last time. No further injuries is a big plus as form was my first priority.
WoD, 5 rounds of 5 x 80kg deadlift, 10 x push ups, 15 x 16kg KB swings, 20 x sit ups, 25 x squats. 2 minutes rest between rounds. Round times were 2:25, 2:15, 2:10, 2:07, 2:10. The sit ups killed me on the last set and meant I didn't get a lower time damnit! Still I can't complain. They have improved a helluva lot recently with my tuck hold work :D

7:15pm - Post workout paleo brownie (thanks Adam!).
7:20pm - Post brownie paleo banana bread (thanks Ami!).

8:15pm - Pork chop and peri peri seasoning with squash and courgette.

10:00pm (Now) - Black tea with honey.

Rest of the Day - Water

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