Friday 10 June 2011

Day 5 Summary

It'll be just summary posts for the next couple of days as I'm going to be quite busy.

Today was a rest day

8:15am - Black tea with honey. Bacon and duck eggs.

10:30am - Apple

12:15pm - 30 minutes very brisk walk trying to find a pack-a-mac for tomorrow. Made it round a few shops in my lunch break but none to be had!

1:00pm - The last of yesterday's steak mince, onion and courgette combo.

3:45pm - Almonds, macademias and dried pineapple.

7:30pm - Sirloin Steak pan fried with onions in garlic and coconut oil. Served with a salad of lettuce, red peppers and tomato dressed with fresh squeezed lemon juice and a twist of pepper. I'll admit I added a little bit of Schwarz steak seasoning to the meat, which does have a few forbidden ingredients (salt, vegetable oil and some kind of stabiliser). Not the greatest crime but it'd be nice if I could find an alternative without the added nasties.

9:30pm - Black tea and honey.

Rest of the day - Water.

That was one helluva steak!
That's all for today. I'm going to Thorpe Park tomorrow so will be taking lots of food with me to avoid temptation :)

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