Monday 27 June 2011

Day 21 Summary

9:00am - Sausages and some paleo pancakes with fresh strawberries. Black tea and honey.

12:30pm - Chicken with italian herbs with a salad of lettuce, red onion, tomato and red pepper. Added a little balsamic dressing, olive oil and some raw salsa, which I'd made previously. A pear.

4:00pm - Handful of macadamis and almonds and two small oranges.

8:30pm - Curry night round a friends house! I had some boiled rice with tandoori chicken, tandoori prawn skewers, lamb kofte and a courgette curry (tomato sauce). There are some non paleo items there but given the naan, poppadom, chutneys, daal and beer on offer I think I did well.

Drank water all day.

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