Monday 27 June 2011

Day 22 Summary

8:15am - Scrambled duck eggs, leftover paleo pancakes and bacon.

12:30pm - Italian chicken salad same as yesterday. Some fresh strawberries.

3:30pm - A banana and some almonds and macadamias.

6:30pm - Focus. Shoulder press 5 x 5. 35kg, 37.5kg, 40kg, 40kg x 3, 37.5kg. Very happy with this as my current 1 rep max was 42.5kg. In fact only a couple of months back 40kg was my 1RM so delighted with 8 reps at this weight. Great progress!
WoD - 25 pullups (foot in blue band), 200m run, 15 thrusters @ 35kg, 400m run, 15 thrusters @ 35kg, 200m run, 25 pullups (foot in blue band). 11:59.

I indulged in a little moaning after this (thanks for listening Ami!) about how being last in these things can be a little disheartening sometimes but then I remember that I'm always pushing myself. Maybe I am last quite often but I never feel like I took it too easy for the sake of a low time. 35kg on the thrusters is 5kg more than I've previously used at this volume and progress with the pull ups on the blue band is coming along well. In hindsight I'm very happy with how today's class went. Bloody tough on my wrists though. I MUST remember to keep the weight in the heel of my palm!

9:00pm - Made some of the Plan P burgers and had them with cabbage and broccoli as they required the least amount of chopping. Had some paleo ketchup on the side and they were lovely! Finished off with some strawberries.

Drank nothing but water today. No tea at all as it's been too hot (for a change)!

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