Thursday 9 June 2011

Day 4 - A Nice Bit of Cake!

Well we do like a bit of cake, don't we?

So I started today by cooking lunch for breakfast. This is part of me getting out of my breakfast for breakfast mind set. It's just another meal. Although I am thinking the reason breakfast foods are what they are is because they're quick to prepare. Lord knows I never have enough time in the morning :) Anyway it looked like this once done:

3 square meals.
This was breakfast and lunch today and it'll also be lunch tomorrow. In the pan I've got onions, garlic, farm bought steak mince, courgettes and a few left over tomatoes and mushrooms. This was simmered with some tomato puree, basil and parsley but to be honest the choice of herbs and spices can make this anything you want it to be. It may not look all that special but it does taste good!

A special mention has to go to Ami and Adam for bringing paleo brownies and paleo banana bread to the box today. Both were amazing and just go to show that eating paleo doesn't mean you miss out. I'm not sure these will help me hit my BF% goals on the challenge though ;P

Dinner tonight was the last of my pork chops, this time seasoned peri peri style. Finished off the last of the veggies I had in so it was courgettes and scooped out squash. Check out those colours!

Posting this picture is making me hungry again!
I know what you're thinking. Cooking, photography, is there anything I can't do?!

I'm not going to preach about how to live your life today as, after this display of culinary and artistic ability, I don't want you to feel any more inadequate than you already do. Will post up my day's summary and be back tomorrow!

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