Tuesday 14 June 2011

Day 9 - What a Great Start to the Day

So just a quick one to remind myself how my morning went. First up was a black tea with honey. I have slightly reduced the amount of honey I'm using in my tea and am drinking the tea much weaker than before. When it's black, a more subtle flavour is much nicer.

I don't know whether it's that change or whether it's not drinking any tea at work or maybe something else entirely but I'm not craving the tea like I was. Whereas before the tea was an all day thing, now it really serves as a gentle pick me up. I suppose that's the effect of the caffeine and sugars. Whatever the cause I'm finding one in the morning to get me going is about all I want or/need now.

I then got the pull up bar out as it's been away for too long. 6 pull ups and a decent 28s tuck hold. Then I got breakfast going and came back to the bar 10 minutes later for 5 pull ups and a 21s tuck hold. I need to learn how to breath during these tuck holds as deep breathing makes me relax too much and then I untuck!

Finished up with a breakfast of Toulouse Sausage (these Old Spot Farm Shop sausages were excellent and both gluten, additive and filler free!), scrambled chicken eggs and a little paleo ketchup. It seems like the lower protein content of the chicken eggs means they have a better scrambled consistency when milk isn't allowed.

I'll post the paleo ketchup recipe onto Facebook this evening for those not reading the blog as it was easy to make and I've been very impressed by it.

That's all for now!
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