Thursday 23 June 2011

Day 18 - Using Up Some Leftover Tomatoes

As the title suggests I had some tomatoes to use up so first thing I did was make some more paleo ketchup and pop it into some handy spare jars. Instead of tinned tomatoes I used two fresh tomatoes that I diced and then simmered for 5 minutes to soften them a little before adding the rest of the ingredients. You'll see it in the background of the picture below.

The next thing I did was make a raw salsa that I've made for friend's BBQs before. It's very easy, very healthy and I personally think it's delicious. I had to modify it to allow for the ingredients I had to hand as it was a spur of the moment thing.

I diced (reasonably small) 3 tomatoes and half an onion. popped them in a handy bit of tupperware and chucked in about 1tsp dried parsley (I forgot the recipe is supposed to be coriander haha but it worked out well!), 1 tsp hot chilli powder and squeezed in the juice of half a lemon. Mixed them up and then served over gluten free butcher's burgers for a light dinner as I wasn't as hungry as usual due to my earlier *ahem* indulgence! 

Focus is crap and I didn't find out till it was too late, sorry!
As you'll see on the right there there's lots of salsa left over for adding a bit of spice to salads or meats or anything really! It's very versatile. Give it a go!

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