Friday 3 June 2011

Where I've Come From - Part 3

Right! So I'd just come across my local Functional Strength and Conditioning class aka Crossfit. I gave it a try on a whim really as it was close and a very convenient time. They had a Monday class, which I could get to, so I figured I'd include that in my slightly lax weekly gym routine. Needless to say it was a humbling experience!

I don't have any photos from back then but they wouldn't really tell the story anyway. It was more about how I felt. Having done some running and done some lifting I thought I had a decent base to be starting with but the Crossfit guys were something else! The technical coaching was just what my lifts needed and Holly's expertise were way beyond the coaching the fitness instructors had given me in my other gym.

The Workout of the Days (WODs) absolutely destroyed me and I wasn't even close to doing them with the recommended weights. That really was the beauty of it though. It scaled all the way down to my level and even though I was often the last one finishing the WOD there was nothing but encouragement from both Holly and the other crossfitters. As a community they were worlds apart from the gym posers benching on the smith machine back at my old gym. Unfortunately I was only able to go once a week most weeks but it still had a huge impact.

I stuck with it too. Spot the pattern with my previous endeavours? Go at it like a demon for 3 months and then get bored of the repetition and slack off. Well Crossfit is constantly varied and covers so many disciplines that there's always something new to be trying or improving.

I went through a period of doing nothing but weights and Crossfit. There was a small group of us who would occasionally run at work during lunch but due to injury etc. that had dried up. Eventually though we did go for a run together and I was pretty dubious about my ability to keep up. Both the other guys had been much better runners than me after I'd lost my fitness so it was going to be a struggle. Except it wasn't. Even once a week the Crossfit had kept me fit enough to keep up and even improve. I started running on my forefeet and invested in some Vibram Fivefingers to help me run better and avoid injury.

Then David, Holly and Barny partnered up and opened Crossfit Connect and all of a sudden there were classes every day. Now I'm able to go 3 times a week. I also try to run once a week and, on Dave's advice, I have a pull up bar for quick 5 minute pull up / hanging tuck sessions on days off.

I've gone from 1 pull up to 6. I've set a personal best Shoulder Press of 42.5kg, a PB deadlift of 125kg and a PB back squat of 105kg. I went for a 7 mile run with some people who were marathon training even though I only usually run 3 or 4 and I coasted for the full distance! I'm fitter than I have ever been in my life and I'll hit 30 in a couple of months :)

PB deadlift and a PB face to go with it!
I'm also learning fun stuff like gymnastics ring work and handstands. I enjoy the gymnastics the most. The control and strength is something I never truly appreciated until I tried even the most basic of gymastic moves.

They made me hold this for ages to get the photo!
I feel like my previous training created a great foundation albeit slower than I could have done knowing what I know now. Crossfit has taken that to new levels but it's also shown me that there is a lot more to achieve. When I lift a new PB or when I shave a minute of my previous best WOD time not only do I know I'm physically stronger and quicker than before but I know I'm mentally stronger because I just achieved something I thought I'd never be able to do. It's a liberating mindset knowing what I have done and what I will do.

Anyhow I'm late for meeting friends so I gotta go. I'll cover a bit about my diet next and also talk about how I'm preparing for the challenge.

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