Monday 6 June 2011

Day 1 Summary

8:00am - Tuck hold, 23s and 7s. 2x3 pull-ups.

8:15am - Cup of black tea w/ half tsp honey. 1 grilled mackerel and 2 scrambled duck eggs. 1 banana.

10:30am - Handful of mixed almonds and macadamias.

12:30pm - Salad containing chicken, avocado, lettuce, onion, cucumber, sweetcorn (oops - luckily not too much) and dressed with balsamic vinegar and olive oil. 1 apple.

4pm - Small pot of mixed macadamias, almonds, dried goji berries, dried blueberries, dried mixed cherries, dessicated coconut and linseeds mixed with half tsp honey and one tsp almond butter.

5:30pm - Cup of black tea w/ half tsp honey.

6:30pm - Focus, 1-5 laddered OH squat in 7 mins done at 30kg. WoD, 5 rounds of 10 toes to bar, 10 2h KB swings (20kg), 10 burpees done in 11:38.

8:30pm - Grilled pork chop with paprika and chilli rub, carrots and cabbage.

Rest of the day - Water.

Day 1 WoD

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