Friday 8 July 2011

Day 30 Summary

8:15am - Bacon and eggs. Black tea and honey.

10:30am - Cherries, almonds and macadamias.

12:30pm - Home made burger with raw salsa, cucumber and lettuce

4:00pm - Almonds, macadamias and a nectarine.

6:15pm - 20 chicken nuggets. Ended up with about 15 minutes to eat in McDonalds so tried to make the best of it! I don't think there was a best to be made though. Way to go out on a high!

8:00pm - Paleo brownie with a black tea and sugar (not honey).

10:00pm - A banana.

Aaaaand finished!

Monday 4 July 2011

Day 29 Summary

Penultimate day. 3 weeks ago this seemed like it was an eternity away and suddenly its gone by really fast.

8:15am - Bacon and eggs from Over the Gate Farm Shop. Great bacon, average eggs (they were chicken so maybe the duck eggs have spoiled me). Some blackberries (Wow! I did enjoy these and they were only from the local Co-Op so nothing fancy) and some almonds.

10:30am - One of the guys at work has a very large cherry tree and more cherries than he knows what to do with. A handful of cherries was very quickly eaten.

12:00pm - An apple.

1:00pm - Tandoori chicken and BBQ pork with home made raw salsa, cucumber and lettuce. Some almonds and macadamias. A lot of cherries!

4:00pm - A banana with some more nuts.

6:30pm - WoD - 5km (3.1 miles) run in 23:48. I lead our little pack almost from the start so it was a tough run and I now have a blister from my Vibrams on my long middle toe!

A quick calculation tells me that's 7m 40s per mile approx. My previous PB (when I was running intensively for a 10 miler) over 8k is 38mins, which is about the same pace give or take a few seconds. I have never, ever come close to that kind of pace over anything more than about a mile before or since so this is a great result for me. And I did it in Vibram Five Fingers this time!

Box Challenge - Pull up static hold for time. As soon as the arms go past 90 degrees it's over. I went palms down to save my dodgy wrist (palms up seems to twist it in a way it doesn't like). This also meant I was the first person to attempt palms down and that made me leader by default. Awww yeah! Managed 60s and was shaking like a leaf at the end. A leaf with Parkinson's during an earthquake! Another pleasing result though.

8:00pm - Lamb leg steak with Rose Farm mint sauce (has a couple of un-paleo ingredients) and mixed veg (courgettes, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower).

9:30pm - Made a new batch of paleo brownies with macadamias and dried cherries to top them (Urban Fruit are the only supermarket brand of dried fruit I've found that are unsweetened). Ate just one (that's a first!). Black tea and honey to wash it down.

As always there was lots of water too.

Day 28 Summary

9:30am -  Sausages with mustard and scrambled egg and oregano. Black tea with honey.

12:00pm - A banana and some almonds.

1:00pm - Was out touring local farm shops and bought some cherries from Mile Oak Farm which I promptly ate! Liked the farm, with lots of animals about for kids to feed and stuff. The shop had plenty of cheap fruit and veg, their own honey (which I bought) and some lovely looking but sadly not paleo jams and sauces. I did get a whole grain mustard though that had no added sugar and only whole ingredients. Score!

2:30pm - A medley of courgette, carrots and freshly bought cauliflower and broccoli from Mile Oak Farm with BBQ pork and tandoori chicken skewers from Over the Gate Farm Shop. I liked this place. A very good selection of meat and fresh produce. Also lovely looking cakes at reasonable prices...

3:30pm - An enormous slice of coffee and walnut cake that was definitely NOT paleo. It was as delicious as it was bad for me though ;P Black tea and honey.

9:00pm - Notice the large period with no food? That's what eating super high calorie cake does to me now. Beef burger with lettuce, cucumber and raw tomato and onion salsa.

Saturday 2 July 2011

Day 27 Summary

8:30am - Sausages with mustard and scrambled egg and oregano.

9:30am - Black tea with honey and some cherries.

10:30am - Bought a wheat, gluten and dairy free chocolate bar from Tesco on impulse as it looked interesting. Not strictly paleo but mostly whole ingredients so not that bad in the grand scheme of things. Tasted very good although it was more expensive than a regular chocolate bar!

11:00am - Gymnastics. 2 min handstand hold in as few sets as possible. 60s, 40s, 20s. Very pleased with these.
Free handstand to a partner. Did a couple and managed a 2s or so hold on the last one. Probably my first ever actual handstand!
Strict pull ups. 5, 3 with 4kg added and 2 partial reps, 2 with 8kg added with 4 partial reps, 1 with 12kg added and 2 partial reps. Need to incorporate more of these to get monster strong!
1 min tuck hold in as few sets as possible. 45s then 15s. Tried to extend 1 leg on the 15s set and kept cramping up but I'll have to keep trying!
2 set of press up to dip on the paralettes. 10 and then 8 (knackered!)
Great session!

12:30pm - A banana.

1:30pm - Cooked up a storm in the kitchen! Made some burgers to Barney's recipe (these are amazing!). Had them with lettuce and cucumber with a generous helping of raw tomato and onion salsa over the top. The salsa juices worked as a dressing for the salad. Followed it with some fresh cherries.

Perfect post workout nutrition!

5:00pm - Some fresh cherries and strawberries with some almonds and macadamias.

8:00pm - A not very creative burger with lettuce, cucumber and raw tomato and onion salsa.

Day 26 Summary

8:15am - Bacon and eggs. Black tea and honey.

10:30 am - Half a paleo brownie.

12:30pm - Chicken and ham salad with home made honey and mustard dressing. Some almonds, macadamias. An pear.

4:00pm - An orange. Half a paleo brownie.

7:30pm - Pork chop with garlic and spices, courgette, brocolli. Some fresh cherries and strawberries.

9:30pm - Black coffee with honey and a paleo brownie.

Day 25 Summary

8:15am - Bacon and eggs.

10:30 am - Almonds, macadamias, an apple.

12:30pm - Chicken and ham salad with pesto. A pear.

4:00pm - A banana. A paleo brownie.

6:00pm - Focus - Barrell runs. 5 minute relay. WoD, tabata you gotta be kidding me. Tabata wall balls (8kg) - 64, tabata pull ups (toes to assist only) - 27, tabata squats - 103, tabata SDHP (20kg) - 67. Total - 261. Pushed myself with the weights on these and was pleased with how it went!

8:00pm - Pork chop with garlic and spices, carrots, brocolli.

9:30pm - Black tea with honey and a paleo brownie.

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Day 24 Summary

8:15am - Ran out of eggs! Bacon, sausages, almonds, macadamies and cherries. Black tea with honey.

11:00am - A pear.

1:00pm - Lunchtime workout. Run 500m and stretch to warm up. 1 set of pull ups to failure - 7. 1 set of full dips to failure - 7. Trail run up the hill near work (it's about a mile with a fairly consistent upwards gradient). 1 min rest at the top. Jog down the hill and then a last short and steep tarmac hill sprint to finish.

2:00pm - Burger and salad same as yesterday.

4:00pm - Almonds, macadamias and an orange.

7:00pm - A nectarine, some cherries and a paleo brownie. Black tea with honey.

9:00pm - Two sausages and a paleo brownie. Black tea with honey.

Water for the rest of the day.

Odd eating pattern today due to being out and about doing stuff.