Saturday 2 July 2011

Day 27 Summary

8:30am - Sausages with mustard and scrambled egg and oregano.

9:30am - Black tea with honey and some cherries.

10:30am - Bought a wheat, gluten and dairy free chocolate bar from Tesco on impulse as it looked interesting. Not strictly paleo but mostly whole ingredients so not that bad in the grand scheme of things. Tasted very good although it was more expensive than a regular chocolate bar!

11:00am - Gymnastics. 2 min handstand hold in as few sets as possible. 60s, 40s, 20s. Very pleased with these.
Free handstand to a partner. Did a couple and managed a 2s or so hold on the last one. Probably my first ever actual handstand!
Strict pull ups. 5, 3 with 4kg added and 2 partial reps, 2 with 8kg added with 4 partial reps, 1 with 12kg added and 2 partial reps. Need to incorporate more of these to get monster strong!
1 min tuck hold in as few sets as possible. 45s then 15s. Tried to extend 1 leg on the 15s set and kept cramping up but I'll have to keep trying!
2 set of press up to dip on the paralettes. 10 and then 8 (knackered!)
Great session!

12:30pm - A banana.

1:30pm - Cooked up a storm in the kitchen! Made some burgers to Barney's recipe (these are amazing!). Had them with lettuce and cucumber with a generous helping of raw tomato and onion salsa over the top. The salsa juices worked as a dressing for the salad. Followed it with some fresh cherries.

Perfect post workout nutrition!

5:00pm - Some fresh cherries and strawberries with some almonds and macadamias.

8:00pm - A not very creative burger with lettuce, cucumber and raw tomato and onion salsa.

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